strelka institute

Apply to Strelka Institute

What is it like to study urban design in Moscow? Oscar Simann

Apply to Strelka. The New Normal Educational Programme 17/18

Strelka Institute: About Us

Why Strelka?

Archilovers. On Social Media Architecture. Lecture by Giulia Pistone and Fabiola Fiocco

Etienne Turpin on the Future of Design Education

Apply to Strelka

voda | strelka mag

Introduction to microplot

Kulapat Yantrasast. Lecture 'Architecture between Why and Why Not'

The Terraforming Vocabulary: Automation

Introduction to Peak Face

Strelka Talks. Paul Feigelfeld 'Deus ex China'

Tom Pearson on Strelka Learning Process

Dana Baddad on the highlights of Strelka experience

Introduction to Veha

Introduction to Platform Poiesis

Strelka Institute | Aply to STRELKA

Research simulator. Strelka approach

Cultures of Congestion. Nicolay Boyadjiev: Introduction

TTF 2020 Fellowship – Fluxopia

Anthony Dunne & Fiona Raby on Transformation of the Design World

Introduction to Site of the Synthetic